Como é que BioLiNE® Ajudar a Produção de Vegetais Bulbo?
(Funcho, alho francês, alho francês, cebola, chalota e cebolinha)
For plants to use minerals and nutrients, just having them in the soil is not enough. Effective nutrient transport through the soil to the roots and into the plant depends on many factors including soil moisture, the mobility of the nutrients, the concentration and bioavailability of the nutrients and soil structure. Furthermore, as described by Mulder’s Chart, many nutrients have antagonistic interaction in the soil that severely limits the plant’s ability to use them. BioLiNE products are the “truckers” of nutrients and minerals. BioLiNE® products also mitigate issues of transport and nutrient imbalance. This is done by continually exchanging nutrients in the soil solution, between microbes, soil particles, and plant roots, ensuring the nutrients the plant needs are delivered to the roots and readily transported into the plant.
- Guia Foliar de Horários: Aplicar BioLiNE® a 500mL/acre. É melhor aplicar com cada aplicação foliar de insecticidas e/ou fungicidas ao longo de toda a estação.
- Irrigação por gotejamento: Aplicar BioLiNE® a 500mL/acre a partir de 2 semanas após a fixação ou até à quarta fase de "alho-porro" das folhas com outros nutrientes.
- Tempos Chave: Aplicar BioLiNE a 500mL/acre a cada 7-10 dias antes de 3-5 folhas. Continuar através de 8-13 folhas no início do bulbo, quando as plantas atingem a sua altura máxima. Pode ser aplicado com pesticidas e outros nutrientes.