Comment BioLiNE® Help Fruiting Vegetable Production?
(Eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes)
Application de BioLiNE® produits améliore considérablement le transport et l'assimilation des nutriments et autres composés bénéfiques pour les plantes. La combinaison d'une perméabilité cellulaire supérieure, d'une chimie bioactive et d'un échange accéléré de nutriments constitue notre avantage. Notre technologie est un outil efficace de gestion des cultures. Application de BioLiNE® products helps prevent nutrient lockup to ensure nutrients are available when requirements are high. The result is increased fruit production and fruit size to help maximize marketable fruit yield. BioLiNE® technologie can be applied at various stages in the development of fruiting vegetable crops including:
- At transplanting: Add BioLiNE® @ 4oz / 100-gallon transplant solution applied at 200-300 gallons per acre
- For seeded crops: Apply BioLiNE® @ 16oz/ acre with first irrigation cycle or foliar at 2 true leaf
- Fertigation/Foliar: First applications of BioLiNE® @ 16oz/ acre. Starting with the second application of BioLiNE® you may reduce rate of applications to 8-10oz per acre.
Résultats du procès
Enhancing Root Growth with BioLiNE®
Tomato plants were treated with 400 ppm BioLiNE® Gold using a deep water culture setup. The overall weight of the roots for the tomato plants treated with 400 ppm BioLiNE® Gold weighed more than the control, were longer, and had more branching.
Enhancing Fruit Growth with BioLiNE®
Green peppers received two applications of BioLiNE® Gold with the growers standard fertilizer mix under drip-irrigation. Fulvic acid helps to increase nutrient transport and use by the plant, which allows it to produce larger, more marketable fruit.
Autres essais
Bell Peppers Transplant/Dip Trials (Penn State University) 2019: Increase in number of fruits from 23.3 to 42.7. Increase in total fruit weight from 13.9 lbs to 20.9 lbs.