How Does BioLiNE® Help Cucurbit Production?
(Melons, squash, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, marrows, and gourds)
BioLiNE products are the “truckers” of nutrients and minerals which mitigate issues of transport and nutrient imbalance. They do this by continually exchanging nutrients in the soil solution, between microbes, soil particles, and plant roots, ensuring the nutrients the plant needs are delivered to the roots and readily transported into the plant. Our technology is an effective crop management tool. Application of BioLiNE® products helps prevent nutrient lockup to ensure nutrients are available when requirements are high. This results in increased fruit production and size to help maximize marketable yield.
Trial Results
2019 Beem-Agro Sciences Trial
Other Trials
Zucchini (Variety: D00656) Beem Agro-Sciences Trial (California) 2019: 9.7% increase in average fruit count/plot & 4.8% increase in total fruit weight/plot
Yellow Squash (Variety: A02121) Beem Agro-Sciences Trial (California) 2019: 7.4% increase in total fruit weight from 55.4 to 59.5 and 13% increase in average seed count/marked fruit
Cantaloupe Beem Agro-Sciences Trial (California) 2019: 5.5% increase in total fruit count and 9.5% increase in large fruit count