How Does BioLiNE® Help Corn Production?

Application of BioLiNE® products drastically improves the transport and assimilation of nutrients and other plant beneficial compounds. Combining superior cell permeability, bioactive chemistry, and accelerated nutrient exchange is our advantage. Our technology is an effective crop management tool. Corn development is highly dependent on nitrogen availability. Application of BioLiNE® products helps prevent nutrient lockup to ensure nutrients are available when requirements are high. The result is improved ear quality and grain fill to maximize yield. BioLiNE® technology can be applied at various stages in the development of corn crops including:

  1. Planting: use as a seed coat, impregnated on dry fertilizers, or tank mixed with liquid fertilizer for in-furrow or side-dress applications
  2. V3-V6: tank mixed with herbicide or other nutrient inputs
  3. VT: tank mixed with fungicide or other nutrient inputs

Recommended BioLiNE® Application Timing and Rates

Trial Results

2021 Fowler Crop Consulting

Fowler Crop Consulting runs 10 research farms in North Carolina and in 2021 ran trials with BioLiNE® fulvic acids. This picture is from a field in Bethel, NC in early August. Ear length can be significantly altered based on stresses and corn is highly dependent on nitrogen uptake for maximized growth. Early application of BioLiNE® with starter fertilizer helps increase nutrient assimilation, armoring the plant against abiotic stress and maximizing nutrient uptake when requirements are high. The result is a plant that can better combat stress and higher yields.

2021 Nichols Hay Farms

Nichols Hay Farms in Salisbury, NC sent us this photo of his corn crop treated with BioLiNE®. The ear on the right is the control for a side-by-side trial. The control crops were planted 10 days earlier and treated with starter fertilizer alone. The ear on the left is from corn plants that were treated with starter fertilizer plus BioLiNE Gold fulvic acid and a phosphate enhancer. The right ear (control) is 16 rows at 32 kernels per row whereas the left ear (treated) is 18 rows at 37 kernels per row.

BioLiNE® technology is very efficient at complexing nutrients helping the transport and assimilation of nutrients by plant cells. The phosphate enhancer improves the availability of the phosphates in the starter fertilizer, while BioLiNE Gold® transports, and assimilates the full spectrum of nutrition including those available phosphates for more efficient use by the plant.

2021 Replicated Plot Field Trial

A trial in the 2021 growing season consisted of six replicated plots in Lambton County, Ontario. No additional fertilizers were applied to the field during the season. The plots treated with BioLiNE Gold® consistently showed an increase in yield. Compared to the control, cobs were more uniform in size.

2020 Replicated Plot Field Trial

Results from our 2020 replicated plot field trial in Alvinston, Ontario shows that BioLiNE® technology helps build components of yield by assimilating nutrients when nutrient requirements are high. There were 12 replicates per treatment in this field trial. Foliar applications of BioLiNE® technology improved several components of yield including improved ear girth, length, and grain weight, which together increases overall yields. Plants treated with BioLiNE® produced an average of 195 bushels/acre compared to the control of 173 bushels/acre.

After treatment at VT with 500mL/acre BioLiNE® Gold
Treatment with 500mL/acre BioLiNE® Gold resulted in an average of 22bu/acre yield increase

2019 Replicated Plot Field Trial

Late season scouting of over a dozen farm field trials in 2019 show improved ear girth, length, number of rows and test weights when treated with BioLiNE®. Treatments were either in-furrow or a combination of in-furrow and foliar.

Other Trials

Colorado State University (2018): Rock Rapids, IA site with low soil test for potassium (K). In a trial with seven replicates, treatment with BioLiNE® resulted in 6.1 bu/ac increase in yield. A 10.7 bu/ac yield increase was observed when BioLiNE® was combined with potassium acetate (60lb/ac). Multiple trials in previous years showed little to no yield response to the application of potassium acetate alone, leading researchers to believe that BioLiNE® improved the transport and utilization of potassium acetate in the trials (181.1 to 191.8 bu/ac).

Colorado State University (2018): Swede Home, NE site treatment with BioLiNE® resulted in 20 bu/ac response (4 replicates) (259.1 to 279.2 bu/ac).